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Game Name : Tobal 2
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2005-08-17 03:16:47
Views : 21262

Fight as Nork
Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting.

Replay dance
Hold "Up/Right" + [L2] during the match replay. Release the buttons immediately before the replay ends.

Fight as Emperor Udan
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting.

Fight as Mufu
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting.

Repeat FMV sequence
Press [Select] while a FMV sequence is playing to restart from the beginning.

Select winning pose
Press [Up], [Down], [Left], or [Right] to choose your winning pose and speech.

Trix nude
To play as Trix or Super Trix nude, set all digits to "16" for every part.

"F" monster practice
Select practice mode. Highlight the monster (such as "C") above a monster that has not yet been captured. Press [Circle] + [Down].

Alternate costumes
Press [Up] + [Triangle] at the character selection screen.

Transparent costumes
Begin a match in training mode and press [Start] to pause game play. Scroll down to the option in the picture to adjust the color values. Press [X] or [Triangle] to change the numbers to match the indicated values for the corresponding fighter. The fighter's costume will become transparent when game play resumes, allowing them to appear nude.

Chaco (default costume)
Body: 31, 23, 19
Boots: 15, 15, 15
Gloves: 15, 15, 15
Hair: 4, 2, 0
Long:31, 23, 19

Beak: 31, 23, 18
Body: 31, 23, 18
Legs: 31, 23, 18

Epon (default costume)
Boots: 31, 31, 31
Elbows: 31, 25, 20
Gloves: 31, 31, 31
Hair: 28, 26, 24
Knees:31, 25, 20
Shirt: 31, 25, 20
Wear: 31, 25, 20

Ill Goga
Boots: 6, 6, 6
Gloves: 6, 6, 6
Horn: 6, 6, 6
Mark: 31, 15, 15
Wear: 31, 15, 15

Mark (default costume)
Skin 1: 22, 16, 14
Skin 2: 22, 16, 14
Shell: 22, 16, 14

Boots: 31, 25, 0
Gloves: 31, 25, 0
Hair: 31, 20 ,3
Line: 31, 23, 18
Wear: 31, 23, 18

Eye movements
Use the D-Pad to move your character's eyes during the victory pose.

Making the Totems fly
Unlock the three characters known as Totem 1st, 2nd, and 3rd by catching them in the dungeon. Use the "Resize character" code (hold [L2] + [R2] + [Triangle]) while selecting one of the three characters. If you press [L2] or [R2], the little Totem will go flying off the edge of the cliff very quickly to its death.

Illgoga nude
Modify Illgoga in his second outfit. Have Mark, Wear, and Line the following colors: 28/11/0.

Glitch: Nork's victory pose
Enable the "Resize character" code while selecting Nork. When he does his victory pose, hold [R2]. He will be too large to display, and the camera will go right inside and through him while he is doing the pose.

Mokujin vs. Puppet
The secret character known as Puppet that you catch in the quest mode is almost exactly the same as the character known as Mokujin in Tekken 3. The only exceptions are that Mokujin is wider, and has only one iron ball fist -- Puppet has two of them.

Resize character
Hold [L2] + [R2] + [Triangle] to select a fighter at the character selection screen. Press [R2] to increase your character's size. Press [L2] to decrease your character's size. This code does not work in quest mode.

Character dance
Press "Up/Right" + [L2] during the replay to make your character dance after a match (instead of playing through hard mode).

Repeat victory speech
Press [L2] + [Left] after the victory speech.

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